Project Partners

Learn Boatbuilding Skills

Watch, Read, Learn….

Please visit the Traditional Maritime Skill’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE): an online learning tool, for traditional boat building skills. Where you will find more than 50 key boat building skills documented with:

  • Easy step-by-step instructions in English and Dutch
  • Interviews with experienced, professional boat builders
  • Video clips demonstrating skills in action
  • Photographs illustrating key boat building steps
  • Plus a learning framework that can be embedded into training programmes (e.g. apprenticeships)



All skills have been documented using actual jobs-in-progress, in actual working boat yards and on real boats that will put to sea, canals or lakes. It’s completely FREE for you to use whether you’re a boat builder, enthusiast, teacher or student; compiled by four organisations across three different European regions (Belgium, Holland and the UK) and funded through the EU Interreg Two Seas programme. Visit the site…