Maritime Heritage Skills: New Project Annoucement

Cornwall Marine Network is delighted to announce that it has secured further funding to help preserve maritime heritage skills. The ‘Interreg IVA Two Seas’ funding programme will support the bringing together of two previously funded projects: Traditional Maritime Skills and Heroes 2 Seas.

The alliance, combined with a new cluster of organisations, will join [...]

Traditional Maritime Heritage Enthusiasts Invited to Nautical Conference

Friday October 5th, 10am-5pm

Provincial Heritage Centre, Lotharingenstraat

9700 Ename (Oudenaarde), Belgium

Enthusiasts of beautiful historic vessels are invited to attend the Traditional Maritime Skills conference in Belgium next month dedicated to preserving the customs and skills of a historic boat building industry.

The Traditional Maritime Skills (TMS) conference in [...]

Rebuild of Dutch Wooden Boeier Yacht ‘ Vabel’

The laborious process of restoring Holland’s longest Dutch wooden boeier yacht is being monitored to help preserve century-old skills.

The round-bottomed Vabel yacht is being rebuilt to her former glory plank by plank in order to conserve an important part of Dutch maritime history.

Traditional boat builder Julian de Jonge, of Ship Restoration Zaete, [...]

Cornish Wooden Boatbuilder Revives Classic Mayflower

Cornish wooden boatbuilder Marcus Lewis has unveiled his beautiful 14ft Mayflower dinghy, built under the gaze of the TMS project’s cameras and which marking the revival of a classic gunter rigged design.

Marcus, from Fowey in South Cornwall, spent last summer painstakingly replicating the original Mayflower designs. It has a steel centreplate and [...]

Traditional Skills Recorded on Board Historic Tall Ship Mercator

Skills used to maintain the historic tall ship Mercator in Belgium have been documented as part of an important educational resource for future traditional boat builders.

The beautiful vessel is maintained as a sailing ship museum in Oostende and on-going conservation work to preserve the 78.5 meter barkentine is carried out by a dedicated [...]

Launch of Largest Wooden UK Lugger Built for 200 Years

A young couple from Cornwall have just launched the largest wooden lugger built for 200 years.

Detailed recordings were made of the traditional skills used to build the three-masted 108ft traditional lugger, called Grayhound. These videos, plus images and interviews, form part of the TMS project’s free online learning tool that will help preserve [...]

Virtual Learning Environment Set for Launch

A valuable online tool, packaged with a wealth of traditional boatbuilding educational resources, will be launched at next month’s conference in Belgium.

The free and comprehensive virtual learning environment has been created to deliver detailed course frameworks covering a host of traditional skills such as riveting, splicing, rigging, laminating and sewing sails. Individual time-lapse [...]

Maritime Days in Vlissingen

Traditional Maritime Skills project leader Niek Peters attended the popular Maritime Days in Vlissingen over the weekend of August 24th and 25th.

He shared a stand with the Dutch maritime conservation group ‘Stichting Behoud Hoogaars’ to promote the traditional skills that are used by boatbuilders. The event generated interest in the TMS project’s [...]

Ruimshoots Article – TMS

Article about the Traditional Maritime Skills project will references to old techniques such as adze and traditional rigging…


Download full article…

Ruimshoots article, June 2012

Ostend at Anchor Maritime Festival


The 13th edition of Ostend at Anchor was a hit! An estimated 250,000 people in Ostend the 13th edition of the maritime festival “Ostend at Anchor” attended. Spread over four days – from 25 to 28 May – visitors could take a 150 classic sailing ships that were docked in admiring the [...]